115940 219667Hello there! Nice post! Please inform us when all could see a follow up! 919769
185626 494893Satisfying posting. It would appear that a lot of the stages are depending upon the originality aspect. Its a funny thing about life if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you quite often get it. by W. Somerset Maugham.. 415660
Kozada ve Keçada üreticileri GİKA-KOOP’a üye oldu
Ertuğruloğlu’nun 21-25 Aralık Milli Mücadele ve Şehitler Haftası mesajı… “Devlete sahip çıkarak daha da güçlendirmek hepimizin en büyük vazifesi”
21-25 Aralık Mücadele ve Şehitler Haftası dolayısıyla Güzelyurt’ta anma töreni düzenlendi
Şehitler, Değirmenlik’te de anıldı
115940 219667Hello there! Nice post! Please inform us when all could see a follow up! 919769
185626 494893Satisfying posting. It would appear that a lot of the stages are depending upon the originality aspect. Its a funny thing about life if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you quite often get it. by W. Somerset Maugham.. 415660